All other systems are highlighted in blue. This shows an orange box which represents your score after rendering and a brown box which represents an identical system in the ranking list. The key for this is displayed at the bottom left of the screen. Cinebench will also display your MP Ratio - the ratio between single core and multi core.Ĭinebench compares your system performance to other identical models where possible. This will measure the speed measured in ‘cb’ of individual processor cores. This is usually invisible to the naked eye but Cinebench can measure the reference match for any completed tests.Ĭlick ‘Run’ beside ‘CPU (Single Core)’ to view a more detailed breakdown of your processor's performance.
This is due to the fact that commercial graphics cards driver optimization can sometimes cause pixels to render incorrectly. The ‘Reference Match’ value, which is displayed as a percentage represents how faithfully the 3D scene has been rendered on your display. Once you’ve run the basic benchmarks against your graphics card and CPU, click File > Advanced Benchmark to view more detailed information. After you run each test, the app will also show how your CPU compares to other machines. Save and close any open files before you do.Ĭinebench uses its own scoring system, measured in units of ‘cb’ to measure CPU performance. Your CPU performance will naturally also be affected if you have any other running programs.įor a fair test, make sure you close down any other apps beside Cinebench beforehand. Cinebench will benchmark your processor by rendering a high-quality 3D image. To run more comprehensive tests on your processor, click ‘Run’ next to the CPU option. From here you can have Cinebench display further useful titbits such as ‘OpenGL version’ and specs for your current CPU. To a more informative view, click ‘Details’ in the left-hand pane. You'll also see how this compares to similar models of computer under ‘Ranking’. Cinebench will display an epic video of a car race and then evaluate your performance in fps. The app does this in an entertaining way by rendering a 3D video on your system, then measuring its performance.įor instance, to check how nicely OpenGL works in your system, click the ‘Run’ button at the very top-left. There are no rules in the worldrecord ranking, you can use unreleased hardware, engineering samples, etc. This is something that had not been possible, since the processors, below -140 / -150✬, tend to crash and not work correctly.Cinebench launches, you’ll be able to run a number of tests in your system. The processor, by means of the LN2, has been set to, more or less, -200✬. This has allowed overclockers to raise the frequency of this eight-core, sixteen-thread processor to 5.2GHz. To achieve this, the processor has been cooled with liquid nitrogen (LN2) and the processor voltage has been 1.875V. The AMD Ryzen 7 1800X processor has been the processor that has achieved this world record in Cinebench R15. Specifically we are in the presentation of AMD Ryzen and in a benchmark with the Cinebench R15, they have broken the world record. Among all the things that are being shown, perhaps the most lofty has been posted by Austin Evans on YouTube. Today has been the day of presentation of AMD Ryzen to the media and despite the fact that many things cannot be published, because they are under embargo, there is a lot of data and many things that are giving us many things to understand about the new ADM processors. In the special event of AMD Ryzen for the media, they have managed to beat the world record of the Cinebench R15 benchmark, with the AMD Ryzen 7 1800X processor with liquid nitrogen and a frequency of 5.2GHz.
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